Green and Climate Finance
Many energy and ecology transition programs are being implemented around the world to address the problem of environmental pollution and global warming. These programs are supported by several countries and international organizations such as UNEP or the GCF fund.
To secure funding for these programs and any project that contributes to the achievement of the associated objectives, Green and Climate Finance has become a specific business that requires the use of green financial products according to recognized labels.
As it is convinced of the necessity to ensure sustainable development for future generations, AMEF Consulting has developed expertise in the financing of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and has participated in several missions to assist financial institutions in this field.
Example of carried-out missions
- Développement des capacités techniques de plusieurs banques en matière de financement de projets Verts (Tunisie) –
- Appui d’une société de leasing dans la définition du concept Marketing et de produits de financements de projets verts (Tunisie) –
- Etude de la promotion de l’utilisation du photovoltaïque dans le domaine de l’agriculture et l’agroalimentaire (Tunisie) –