Design of the business Strategy of a Mesofinance Bank
Mesofinance Bank
06/2021 – 11/202&
Project description and context
The mission is to support a mesofinance Bank in the development of its new development strategy for the period 2021-2025. The strategy was developed using a participatory approach and covered the following main topics:
- In-depth strategic diagnosis
- Vision and strategic development axes.
- Means and Resources for the implementation of the strategy.
Business Plan and strategy implementation program.
Work carried
- Mission framing
- Collection and analysis of documents and data.
- Study of the Mésofinance market
- Animation of exchange and brainstorming workshops with governance bodies and bank staff.
- Development of an in-depth diagnosis of the bank in several areas
- Development of the vision and strategic development axes
- Breakdown of the new strategy into several strategic projects by function
- Development of governance and the implementation plan for strategic projects.
- Development of the bank’s new business plan for the period 2021-2025.