Intégration d’un progiciel de gestion des financements

Appui à l'intégration d'un progiciel de gestion des financements


Caisse des Prêts et de Soutien des Collectivités Locales (CPSCL)


11/2020 – 06/2021



Project description and context

KfW has developed the Trusted Budget Expenditure (TruBudget) software package which is a workflow management information system based on Blockchain technology.

The software makes it possible to manage specific processes – workflows for the planning and implementation of projects, including their funding, and to share information in real time between users.

The mission constitutes a pilot phase financed by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) which aims to apply, test and integrate the software package at the level of the Caisse des Prêts et de Support des Collectivités Locales (CPSCL) in Tunisia.

The objectives of the mission are as follows:

  • Perform an analysis of the administration processes and digital systems of the CPCSL by identifying the potential for integration of the TruBudget software
  • Develop an operational and integrated version of TruBudget, adapted to the needs of stakeholders

Work carried out by AMEF Consulting

  • Analysis of funding and project management processes at CPSCL level.
  • Support for the configuration of the TruBudget software package (identification of workflows, projects, activities, and data to be processed) according to the needs of the CPSCL and its relations with its partners.
  • Assistance in the appropriation of the solution by users and organization of seminars, meetings and training (including the development of manuals).
  • Establishment and development of governance and change management.
Portfolio Categories: